Accounting Service

Documents Required

OPC Registration

Instant Name Application for One Person Company
MCA Name Approval
  • Instant Filing
  • 4 Name Choice

Name Approval + Incorporation

  • Instant Name Filing
  • 2 Digital Signatures
  • LEDGERS Platform
  • Company Registration

Trademark Objection Online

A Trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that differentiate it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, color combination, sound or even smell. But due to some valid reasons, trademark offices may have objections on any trademark application which does not meet their legal norms. There can be several reasons for trademark objection. It can be a cause of the similarity between logo or word with an existing one. It may be due to the sentiments attached to any religion. These are few reasons which can lead to Trademark Objection. If you receive any objection like this from another party, then you need to revert back within a month, that is within 30 days. You will receive a proper Legal Objection letter from Trademark department. But if you still don’t take any steps, then the Registrar has the full rights to reject the application.

Registry objections are based on genuine or absolute grounds. there are few firms who are helping to design your trademark and avoid objection.TM mark can be used with trademark after allotment of TMR number from the government.

Have any questions? Call us today!


Trademark Objection

Trademark objection refers to the queries raised by the trademark examiner on some phases in the examination report like a deceptive trademark, descriptive trademark, identical trademark.
Use of Incorrect Trademark Form

If the person not filled the form correctly, then it comes under the objection.

Incorrect Trademark Applicant Name

When the applicant name got mismatched which mention in the article, it comes under trademark objection.

The address is Incorrect on Trademark Application

A trademark application has not mentioned the principal place of business of the applicant or if the applicant’s address  is changed and the  services are not provided in the mentioned address., then an objection can be raised

Repetition Specification of Goods or Services

If any detail of goods and services specified in the trademark application is false or repeated then the examiner may raise the objection. A trademark application must be made in respect of goods or services in a particular class. If goods fall in more than one class then, in that case, it must be grouped together according to class number.
Trademark Lacks Distinctive Character
A trademark is objectionable if it has no potential to have the exclusive character to differentiate among the goods or services in the market. Trademarks with the lack of the distinctive character will not justice the goods or services, the one you applied for.
Trademark Objection Process
  • Simplest form filling: You have to fill the form regarding the TM objection.
  • Objection submission: We will maintain the required objection and file it with Registrar office .it will take 4 working days to complete. And you get TMR number
  • Work completed: Once, the objection is filed, acknowledgment slip of same shall be sent.